Helping out with Scouts
Cub Scouts Pack 491 is a volunteer organization, and we couldn’t function without the help of our awesome Scout Parents. If you’re interested in getting involved, check out the different committee and event volunteer opportunities. Shoot us an email if you have any questions or want to get involved. (dcepack491@gmail.com)
Guiding hand behind the work of the other pack leaders. Program advisor to the pack committee. Recruiter, supervisor, director, planner, and motivator of other leaders.
4hrs / Month, All Year
Assistant Cubmaster
Assist the Cubmaster with executing responsibilities.
4hrs / Month, All Year
Keep up-to-date financial records. Track income/expenditures for budget items in Pack Record Book. Track payment of dues. Give leadership in developing a coordinated record keeping system in the pack.
6 hrs / month, All Year
Committee Chair
Communicate pack needs with chartered organization rep and district. Prepare Pack meeting agendas. Facilitate Committee Meetings. Manage Calendar. Track Journey to Excellence. Lead Recharter Team. Attend District Round table meetings.
10 hrs / Month, All Year
Prepare and print newsletter before each pack meeting.
3hrs / Month, All Year
Coordinate with council popcorn kernel and district fund development chair for Trail’s End Popcorn sales, our single largest fundraising project.
5hrs / Month, August - October
excellence badge coordinator
Monitor pack activities for meeting Journey to Excellence award
1-2 hrs / Month, All Year
Coordinate the pack program with the chartered organization through the chartered organization rep. Assist with pack charter renewal.
2 hrs / month, ~ 5 hrs in Sep-Oct to complete recharter.